Self Employed

If you want to work as a professional athlete, farmer, or artisan in one of Canada's provinces or territories, you may be eligible for a business immigrant visa for yourself and your immediate family.

The Federal Self Employed Class

The Self-Employed Class is for applicants who have relevant self-employment experience and the desire and ability to create their own employment and contribute significantly to Canada's cultural, artistic, or athletic life, or to create their own employment by purchasing and managing a farm in Canada.

The Federal Self-Employed Persons Program, which uses a point-based grading system to assess business immigration applicants' eligibility, also requires applicants to have two years of relevant work experience in their field as proof that they can be gainfully self-employed in any Canadian province except Quebec.

The Quebec Self-Employed Program

Self-employed candidates in Quebec are distinguished from skilled worker applicants by the fact that they come to Canada to create their own job by practising a profession or engaging in commercial operations.

They must have two years of relevant experience, a personal net worth of $100,000 CAD, sufficient settlement financing, and want to come to Quebec to work in a profession designated by the National Occupational Classification.

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