College Change

You must meet all of the terms of your study permit before changing schools or programmes. This implies that you must be:
  • enrolled in a recognised educational institution (DLI) and
  • While you're in Canada, you should be actively learning.
You should get in touch with us if you:
  • need to modify the terms of your study permit
  • are you a post-secondary student who wants to change schools?
  • have a co-op work permit and you’ve changed post-secondary schools to another co-op program or
If your application was accepted :

If you alter your DLI after your study permit application has been granted, you must submit a new study permit application with a new letter of acceptance. You must also pay all of the new application's fees.

Even though you utilised a representative to apply for your study visa, you don't need one to modify your DLI in your online account. All you need are the specifics of the study permit application.

Advancing to the next level of schooling

If your study permit is still valid, you don't need to alter it or apply for a new one if you're switching schools. This might be:

  • primary to high school
  • High school to post-secondary
  • post-secondary to high school
  • any other transition between levels of education is possible.

If your study permission is about to expire, you must ask for an extension.

If your study permission has already expired, you must seek to extend your study permit while also restoring your student status. Within 90 days of losing your status, you must request to have it restored. You won't be able to continue or restart your studies until you regain student status and your study permission has been extended.

Changing schools for post-secondary students

If you wish to move post-secondary schools, the new school must also be a DLI. Before you commit to changing schools, please check the DLI list to make sure your new school is a DLI.

You must notify us if you move post-secondary institutions. Changing your account's post-secondary school is a free service.

If you are moving schools, you do not need to apply for a change of study permit.

The following are examples of post-secondary studies:

  • university
  • CEGEP, institute private university
  • career college, academy, school or training facility
  • ESL/FSL and other language training
Quebec is an excellent place to study.

You must obtain a Québec Acceptance Certificate if you are transferring to a school in Quebec (CAQ).

If you're already studying in Quebec and wish to modify your status, you should contact the Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration (MIFI).

  • educational institution
  • curriculum
  • study level
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